Audiophilic adventures, usw.
Yesterday, may I begin by saying, my roommate Marcus decided to change the channel to which his clock radio was set. Previously, it had been set to Energie Muenchen!, a top-40 type station that was so terribly hip it couldn't walk. I say a top-40 "type" because, as extended listening would reveal, their total playlist was not nearly long enough to contain forty full songs. It was, as they constantly reminded all of us Muencheners, Hit Music Only!, but unfortunately anything that is not Melanie C's Next Best Superstar does not count as Hit Music.
So anyways, Marcus changed the radio. I have not yet figured out what the station name is, but I know that in the first half hour of listening I heard both Bo Diddly and MC Hammer. I may be able to get out of therapy by the time I leave Germany, but that is looking on the optimistic side.
More on the topic of fouled up things in Germany: I got my card yesterday from the Bundesversicherungsanstalt fuer Angestellte, which is to say I got something guaranteeing social medical care for the low, low price of probably damn near half my wages. They misspelled my name. I am known to the Federal -amt as Kienman, Banjamin Henry.
They misspelled Ben.
They misspelled the *easy* part of my name.
So now I have the distinct honor of paying for postage to mail this back to them, along with a photocopy of my Passport. I came here for the experience, right?
So anyways, back to last weekend. For lack of anything else to do, I expected to have an open weekend to maybe lay around a bit, do some laundry, come up with theories as to how to solve Goodstein's Theorem using Peano Arithmetic, but instead a group of hooligans showed up in our beautiful little Munich, and I do indeed mean hooligans in a sense most severe.
More CDS people, come to terrorize Bayern. I, of course, am a CDS person rather blessing the region with my presence.
Much touring was done, much fun was had, and some pictures were taken, all of which may be viewed here. Munich is, however, where I live - I felt not the urge to take that many. Most are of the hooligans in various postures.
The boy on the field says hi.
As always, do enjoy.
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