Genesis (T-33 days)
It is a unusually snowy day in the last week of April as I start preparations.
I have created this new blog as a lifeline between myself and my loved ones, my interested ones, and my bored ones, all of whom may find interest in what I do this summer as I intern at Jacobs Projects GmbH, Koeln, Germany.
Thirty three days separate me from the door of a Boeing 777, the mothership connection, British Airways flight 202 to London Heathrow en route to CGN, Cologne International, doormat to my development, a foyer to my first tangible experience in international business. This blog will follow, and I intend for it to have a somewhat more professional tone than my current (and still ongoing) LiveJournal. Do not get me wrong - I, at my most professional, am still a congenial animal, and I post those lighthearted pictures as well as the captured moments of international understanding and breathless wonder. Point: I own five pairs of jeans, and still only one suit.
It is going to be quite a ride, and I want everyone to come along, because inside jokes with myself are not funny.
As always, do enjoy.